Building business values on quality of service

What is it all about?

An unique mobile quality of service management solution which …
…collects the right data
network monitoring tools
…transfers data to knowledge
transfer data to knowledge
…converts knowledge into business values
business value

Why is it important?

Quality is a permanent factor of subscribers’ decision making

… but which one can manage only together

evaluating results from sub’s point of view
It is not so important how the network operates
The point is what subs think about it
Which can be found out only
(a) asking questions and (b) measuring

How does the solution work?

Install a required number of mobile applications
Accumulate the results in the database
Convert data into knowledge by powerful analytical tools

What are practical outcomes?

Get unbiased view on quality and how it is perceived by your customers
Saving in CAPEX/OPEX - do not invest in quality more than it is really needed
Increase your retained revenue - make your targeted campaigns more efficient

How can I start?

Simply start asking questions. Like these:
Do we need to invest more to improve quality? And what if we do nothing?
How are our competitors doing?
Our customers are not likely to recommend us. How come?
Why don't they like our new tariff plan?
You will be surprised how close and available answers can be

We thank for your enquiry. We will surely contact you.