Why are we so passionate about quality? Look at the way you make a decision to buy something. In most cases it is a reasonable combination of price, customer value, and quality. In service industry, where mobile telecom belongs to, it is the latter that will be crucial in your decision making. Why so? Because while price and value are rather straightforward (everyone can calculate price per minute or a number of gigabytes for flat monthly fee), quality of service (QoS) is not. Usually as a mobile service subscriber, you do not know the exact share of dropped calls, or level of voice distortion of your interlocutors, but you do know how much it either satisfies or irritates you, because you naturally have some expectations as to the way how things should be. That is how you perceive QoS, which leads to quality of experience (QoE) and finally to your buying decision. If you happened to work for a mobile network operator, let us say, quality management unit, in all probability you would claim that your mobile network operates perfectly providing best customer experience ever. All quality testing results prove this. Perhaps, it is true, but your subscribers may unpleasantly surprise you by throwing away your SIM-cards.
Hence, multidimensional view on quality management is truly important and supposed to be a backbone of your business. Keeping your subscribers in focus, asking what they think, why they think so, and extending their answers by objective data from network monitoring tools is the way to success.
It sounds strange and even ridiculous but nowadays operators are still inclined to think more in terms of network performance rather than quality of particular services provided to certain users and how it is perceived by them. Yes, quality of service is difficult to measure and analyze, and it is even more difficult to link it to quality of customer experience, but the results are worth fighting for.
Qualinet Systems LLC offers you products and professional services based on a comprehensive view of quality. Working with clients, we keep in mind two things. Firstly, our team deeply understands the nature of mobile business, needs of our customers, and provides responsible, customer-oriented solutions. Secondly, we always take into account what subscribers really get either by collecting data from our mobile applications having installed a required number right on their smartphones, or thoroughly emulating subscriber’s behavior. In other words, our 10-year experience and efforts have produced a quality management system (qms) that takes into account both objective QoS data and perception, and converts the data into knowledge.
We do not promise a solution to every QoS / QoE problem, but we do create business values for our customers from finding answers to the most actual managerial questions to the optimal investments.
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